Nancy Drew Games Wiki

Sally McDonald is an unseen character from Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake. Nancy can call her and ask questions about the cabin or the other characters residing at Moon Lake.


Sally is a nature photographer and a friend of Carson Drew. She bought Mickey Malone's cabin located at Moon Lake, Pennsylvania. She said that the surrounding forest drew her to buying the property. On the first night at the cabin, she heard the "ghost dogs" howling in the distance and witnessed the dogs attack after living there for a week. The attacks would terrify Sally and spoke of the attacks to the birdwatcher Red Knott.

After calling Nancy for help, Sally decided to leave for her aunt's in Philadelphia as she was too scared to spend another night at the cabin.

In the conclusion of the game, the dogs that played the ghost dogs were revealed to be very sweet in nature. Sally even considered of adopting them, which is ironic as she was terrified of them at first.
